Why is implementing a well-being strategy important in a company - Helping Hand - Mental Health Programme

Why is implementing a well-being strategy important in a company

The coronavirus pandemic has affected the job market. It has emphasized the importance of an employee’s mental well-being and its impact not only on the individual but also on the entire organization. However, solutions that improve well-being are still not widespread. We explain why it is worth changing that.

No Physical Symptoms = No Significance?

The World Health Organization defines human health as a state of physical, mental, and social well-being. However, when we think about health, we often focus on the physical aspect, which has concrete symptoms such as a cold, muscle pain, or various illnesses. Mental health is still treated as marginal. Although the coronavirus pandemic has increased awareness of its importance, including in the workplace, solutions that promote mental well-being are still considered innovative rather than something common.

We are still reluctant to discuss mental health on a personal level, so it is not surprising that it is overlooked in the workplace. Feelings of guilt, potential judgment from colleagues, lack of clear employer declarations, and fear of termination are some of the factors that cause us to “leave” our mental well-being at home, even though it has a significant impact on the company we are part of.


Two Extremes

The multitude of tasks, lack of clearly defined priorities, and fear of the consequences of our decisions are just some elements that affect the stress levels in an organization. A high level of stress does not go unnoticed. It can result in either high rates of sick leave (and often frequent team rotations) or presenteeism. Being present at work despite poor health is not an act of loyalty towards the company. Just as we have learned that when we have a fever, we do not work, we should treat our mental health similarly. An employee’s mental well-being has a real impact on their productivity and engagement.

Weak mental health costs European employers 378-469 billion euros annually. In all EU countries, the highest costs stem from presenteeism.


The costs of presenteeism for employers are on average three times higher than the costs associated with absenteeism.


Employees who have mental health problems are more susceptible to presenteeism than employees suffering from other conditions. Ineffective presence at work is associated with reduced productivity, increased errors, and conflict initiation.


The annual costs related to poor mental health average 1633-2021 euros per employee.


The conclusion? Employers should pay attention not only to the results achieved by employees but also to their well-being. Well-being and psychological support are strategies worth implementing.


What is Well-being?


Well-being is most commonly translated as a sense of well-being. There is no doubt that many factors contribute to our sense of comfort, and mental well-being is one of them. There are many ways to take care of our mental well-being, and each of us probably has a method that works best. However, since we spend a third of our lives at work, it is important to consider how (or if at all) our employer supports our well-being.

The level of remuneration, the perception that the workplace harms mental health, and burnout are the main reasons why Millennials and Generation Z members submit their resignations. Implementing strategies that support employee well-being is of great importance.

Companies need a partner who will take care of well-being in their organization. At Helping Hand, we know how to do it. Our comprehensive support programs include webinars, individual consultations with specialists, premium content, and mindfulness. We help individuals cope with stress in various areas (both personal and professional) and strengthen the soft skills of leaders.


What Do You Gain?


Regardless of whether we are talking about a small company or a large enterprise, implementing a well-being strategy will have a positive impact on the entire organization. Reduced stress is associated with increased engagement, creativity, good relationships within teams, as well as fewer sick leaves and employee turnover.

A positive return on investment (ROI) is another argument for implementing a well-being strategy. It is also a pillar of corporate social responsibility. When aiming to address the ‘S’ in ESG, we cannot overlook the issue of well-being. Only by satisfying this need can we consider other factors that influence social issues within the organization.

Implementing a well-being strategy also involves building positive relationships with employees. This is important for how the organization is perceived, both by current employees and future ones who will participate in the recruitment process.

Caring for well-being allows the company to develop in tandem with its employees, rather than at their expense. It is difficult to find a better recommendation in the job market.

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