Multigenerational team, what is it? How to manage representatives from different generations? - Helping Hand - Mental Health Programme

Multigenerational team, what is it? How to manage representatives from different generations?

In the job market, representatives of different generations are present – experienced individuals collaborate with those who are just beginning their professional journey. Managing a multi-generational team can be challenging, but multi-generational diversity should be seen as an advantage. Taking care of the needs of all employees will bring many benefits to the organization.

Many generations in one Organisation

In the job market, there are representatives of four generations of workers – both those who are gradually retiring from the workforce and those who are just starting. Baby boomers are the generation of post-war demographic increase. They rarely change jobs, need stability, and value the process over the result. Generation X (born between 1965-1980) believes that competencies and education influence professional success. They are tech-savvy but prefer traditional solutions. Face-to-face contacts are essential to them. Generation Y (millennials) is the most highly educated generation in the job market. They are loyal to their colleagues, not just the company, value flexibility, and are impressed by competencies rather than positions. They are multitaskers, for whom a satisfactory salary and free time matter. The youngest generation on the job market, Generation Z, has never known a world without the internet. They are not afraid of challenges and are open to experimentation. The line between the real and virtual worlds blurs for them, and they have no problem working remotely without direct contact with others.

hese are general descriptions, but it’s essential not to view employees through the lens of stereotypes describing their generation.

Many poeple many needs

Representatives of different generations differ primarily in their approach to work. For older generations, work is associated with earning a living rather than enjoyment – they live to work. The younger employees, on the other hand, pay more attention to work-life balance and how work affects their health, including their mental well-being.

Different generations also share common needs. Satisfactory pay, stable employment, a positive work atmosphere – these are factors that matter to representatives of various generations. Employer loyalty, job security, and professional development are also important to them. A sense of belonging is essential for individuals from different generations. They pay attention not only to organizations that loudly proclaim their mission but also to those that implement it through their actions.

The work environment influences employee retention. Employer efforts aimed at creating a diverse team are one of the factors that matter for retaining employees in the organization.

How to manage a multi-generational team?

First and foremost, it is important to acknowledge the presence of multi-generational diversity in the workforce. We should not ignore the differences among employees or aim to eliminate them. However, employees should not be perceived solely through the lens of demographic characteristics.


Let’s utilize unique skills and help align employees’ actions with the organization’s mission, allowing them to find the direction in which they want to develop their careers. Creating a friendly environment where each employee feels appreciated and their talents are utilized is a valuable goal for any organization. Leaders should connect and integrate generations, for example, by forming multi-generational teams. This way, they can leverage diverse ways of thinking and communication styles. Building a trusting atmosphere, clear goal communication, transparent communication, and meeting the needs of the entire team are crucial elements that managers should focus on.


If you want to embark on this path but are unsure where to start, we can help you. At Helping Hand, we understand how to address the fundamental ESG pillar, which is “S” for social responsibility. Diversity and employee relations, an environment conducive to exchanging perspectives, employee engagement, training, and development are all essential aspects. Properly managing a multi-generational team is a key to success.

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